CaptoGlove launches Unreal SDK

CaptoGlove Support In the news

CaptoGlove Developers Update CaptoGlove revolutionizes the worlds of gaming, VR/AR/MR, HCI (Human Computer Interface) and HMI (Human Machine Interface). It is a stylish, wearable, interactive motion controller which provides easy, fast, wireless connectivity and support for an array of environments. CaptoGlove proudly announces release of its Unreal 4.0 SDK; next gen support designed to Integrate and deliver quick and easy …


Best VR Hardware Of E3 2017

Sergio de Cristofaro In the news

Now that it’s all said and done it’s easy to see that E3 2017 just wasn’t a huge showing for VR hardware. Microsoft didn’t even mention VR at all during the reveal of the Xbox One X even though executives have suggested the system will still support it. That said, we did try out some really cool stuff located around the Los …


E3 2017: Hands-On With VR Hand Controller CaptoGlove

Sergio de Cristofaro In the news

Immersive experiences are the foundation of VR’s growth and devs or creators continue to find ways to keep the illusion from being broken as long as they can. Controller input is one of the biggest offenders when it comes to this, but the team behind CaptoGlove is utilizing our natural gestures to keep players engaged. The glove is equipped with …



Sergio de Cristofaro In the news

CaptoGlove allows you to control your PC, mobile and smart devices with simple and intuitive hand gestures. Playing video games with a pad or the classic combination of a keyboard and mouse is fun. But what if you could delve into your favorite video game’s world even deeper? Feeling as if you’re actually wielding the weapon of your choice instead …


First units of amazing wireless, wearable device controller will ship in may

Sergio de Cristofaro In the news

The world’s first wireless wearable controller, CaptoGlove, has reached another milestone by securing its Kickstarter funding in 13 days.  The incredibly versatile CaptoGlove allows users to control video games, VR/AR, mobile & smart devices through simple hand gestures.  The first units are in production and are expected to ship to early Kickstarter backers in May. To celebrate their funding success, …


CaptoGlove Wearable Gaming Controller

Sergio de Cristofaro In the news

Become a part of your games with the CaptoGlove Wearable Gaming Controller. Compatible with everything from virtual reality to your PC, this glove lets you take control instantly. Right out of the box, the CaptoGlove syncs to your games. Bringing you to the next generation of gaming, the CaptoGlove enables you to point weapons, drive vehicles, and even produce 3D …