CaptoGlove launches Unreal SDK

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CaptoGlove Developers Update

CaptoGlove revolutionizes the worlds of gaming, VR/AR/MR, HCI (Human Computer Interface) and HMI (Human Machine Interface). It is a stylish, wearable, interactive motion controller which provides easy, fast, wireless connectivity and support for an array of environments.
CaptoGlove proudly announces release of its Unreal 4.0 SDK; next gen support designed to Integrate and deliver quick and easy development through its Blueprint features.
Unreal adds to an existing, powerful published toolset comprised of UNITY, .NET and C++ SDK’s which, combined, will dramatically streamline program development efforts, overcome myriad challenges and offer a new array of possibilities.
Last but not least CaptoGlove improved the Unity SDK by adding support for win32 platforms, created a compact asset folder and extended Unity features by adding a set of higher level parameters. In addition to this it has been added the possibility to read a few user info and corrected some bugs regarding acceleration values.

Thank you all for being part of such a wonderful community.

The CaptoGlove Team