CaptoGlove looks to change the way you control virtual reality

Sergio de Cristofaro In the news

Wearable VR controller is expected to launch in May

A new wireless controller could improve interaction in VR games by offering users a way to harness the power of their hand.

CaptoGlove has recently been launched on Kickstarter, hoping to lure punters into an alternative method of controlling their VR headset through a sensor-packed and washable textile.

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The device has been in development for around five years, working with Bluetooth and designed to be compatible with all VR headsets and iOS or Android smartphones. The company also claims it will be fit to work with all PC games from the past and present.

“The human hand is the greatest controller in the world,” said Paolo Trotta, CEO of CaptoGlove. “With CaptoGlove you can now extend that natural precision, response time and efficiency across a wide variety of tasks and devices.”

Read full article at: Wereable